Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Undertale mysteries - The mysterious Book - (the mysterious Chapter 1 has been revealed )

Table of contents

Chapter Number
Chapter name
Page Number
The Forbidden
The Hunt




Once upon a time. There was a place called Wizardly Place. In the place there were spies.

Good ones and bad ones both trying to find the mysterious book in the  forbidden cave. But one problem they both faced was that it is warm/hot in the main city but up in the top left it starts to get very very cold.  So they were both trying to find the book. the students of Miss ‘n match we're trying to help the adult's find the mysterious book.

Both the good guy’s and the bad guy’s sons were on the case. Read more to find out we will give you some very good hints and you t o can try to solve the mystery so that we know who a new one and why word find the mystery book.  none of them know the powers of the mystery book they've all been trying to find it so that we can know what are the powers of the book as you can see in page to there's a map we. Hope you have a pleasant time reading read on to the next page.

-Arnav.S (The author+illustrator.)

The Forbidden

“Hey Michael are we going to help our parents find the book you know the mysterious book after school.” Neil said. “ Yeah sure thing Neil, we should definitely help our parents find the book so Jack can't find it. “See you after English, meet you after school in the parking lot I'll called  our parents to pick us up” “ Yeah thanks got to go.” After school they met in the parking lot and waited for their parents.

While waiting they talked about their plan to help their parents keep the book in safe hands. Jake was a very nice guy but his parent were thieves so he had a bad name around the town. You see they stole very important stuff but they all got returned. For example they stole the Trident of Torture, The Sword of Suffering, and most worst of all, the Bow of Badness. Good thing they were all returned.

And then after 15 minutes of talking their parents came to the parking lot. Michael was a hard working guy who was very brave and always wanted to help the situation no matter what it was. His parents and Neil's parents both worked in Shaker Shack (the most secret place in the world. All the spies work their trying to save the world. It is underground ). Neil on the other hand is smart and thinks everything literally.

“ Hey guys we keep updating the information on the hidden book and we found out that Jake’s mom and dad are very close on getting the book. We know that they have made a vehicle with enough oxygen to let them live. Plus it goes in snow, water, land, and air. They also have jackets that will resist the cold and make it warm. We have no other information on it other than that.” Neil’s dad says.

“So that is why Jake wasn’t at school today.”

Michael says. “ So can we come?” Michael and Neil say together. “NO!” All the adults say together. “It is to dangerous for you guys. And Neil I am dropping you at Michael's place with your bagged packed because they have hired Miss Raine. So come on let's go home to pack your bag.” Neil’s mom says.

Miss Raine fact she is nice and loves to help the kids actually go, but she got in trouble last time and she promised she wouldn't. So Neil went in his Ford F-250 Super Duty(big van) and Michael went home in his Hummer H2. So they went home and met. Calvin .Neil’s little brother ran upstairs on his tablet to play.

While the big kids were making a plan to go to find the book. After the parents left they were writing plan after plan but couldn't find a good one. Finally they made a plan that worked.

  1. Make a fake robot of themselves.
  2. Go to Flyin’ cars n’ Boats to rent a flying car.
  3. Take the car and go to the mall to get air masks and jackets.
  4. After that go and find the book.
  5. Finally ….. they become famous.

Nice 5 step plan don’t you think.

They thought it was good so they did the plan. First make a robot that was hard but they had to go to the creepy warehouse to build their robot. Then the cash  - that was easy they already had a  lot of DESA’s (their currency) because they work part time at Flyin’ Cars n’ boats and make a lot because they work making the programing. BTW The company might start making self driving cars in about 3-4 years.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Billy The Live Robot

Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a kid who went to a summer camp for lego robotics.
Do you want to know the kids name?  I will tell you later! He made a  normal robot with his uncle Mike. He named his robot Billy. He loved Billy because it looked like a Mars rover and he built it at home.

The next day when he went to camp the 3 bullies Michael, John and Peter, ripped his lego robot and laughed at him. When he took it home he started crying. He left it in his room all by itself and told his mom what happened. He had no idea the robot was a real life moving robot.

It had feelings and all other characteristics of a living thing .The robot fixed itself and was getting ready to explore the house. “What is the noise outside? “ the robot wondered when he heard footsteps approaching him room. The kid who’s name is Benjamin, came back to his room (now you know the kids name. Right?).

When Benjamin came back he was so happy and thought it was a miracle because the robot was all fixed. He told his mom dad cousins grandpa grandma and even his dog. They didn’t believe him, so they said they will come to room to see.

Now Benjamin  was the only one that knew he was alive, so when they went to his room to see it broke itself again before they came in the room to see. They said Billy great imagination there it's still broken we are going to have to call uncle Mike so he can help you fix it again.

He himself thought he was just imagining, but when they left Billy fixed himself and showed Benjamin what he could do. He even told Benjamin not to tell anyone that he was alive and winked. Then he tried to make the hardest thing he could ever think of. He tried to make it follow a line. Not a normal line a square. He tried to do the program and he said it while he did it, so the robot was listening to Benjamin’s words and ignored the program and did what Benjamin tried to do.

When he did it he was so happy and showed his parents what he did. They said “Benjamin good job”. He was so proud of what he did. The next day he went to camp and said to the bullies, “ Hey I can make my robot Billy follow a line.”

They said “Hey we may not be able to make our robots follow a line but we can destroy your robot like we did yesterday and make you have to- Wait a second how did you build that 23,000,000 piece lego robot in just what I think 8 hours.” Billy had no response to that, cause obviously he couldn't tell them his robot was real, because the robot told him not to tell anyone. So he thought and then he said his family all helped him on building the robot together again.

Then after camp was done he left his robot on the ground and forgot about Billy. When he went home the robot looked for him, and instead of finding Benjamin he found a gyro sensor that helps you fly. He attached it on him and started flying. He was caught by a vulture and taken to its nest. When he went to the nest the other vultures ripped him apart and left realising they couldn’t eat it anymore. One of the vultures accidentally pressed a button that auto fixes him. He couldn’t find his light sensor.

A boy from Benjamin camp was swinging his bag of lego pieces and his legos fell out of the bag. The boy who was a nice boy who had 2 light sensors and was planning to give the sensor away, found billy on the ground after Billy landed. He said “Oh look what I found, wait maybe it’s someone's robot. I think I think I should make some flyers of this robot and I should treat it nicely.”

The robot who could hear, thought this kid is nice so maybe I should tell him my secret. So he told the boy it. Benjamin found a flyer and went to the kids house and got his robot back. Then he was so happy that at the end only he and his friend knew about the robot special ability. So Benjamin and the boy (Who’s name is Madden) became very good friends.

Then Benjamin thought Madden to build cool robots. And Benjamin wanted to give the light sensor back, but Madden said it was okay because he had 2 and was trying to give the 2nd one away. Billy told them all about the adventure he had. The next day was the start of school. They somehow went to the same school, Wacky Tacky Elementary. They went to the same class same color group so they were also going to sleepovers, and were friend for ever.           

Chapter 2  

Billy watched ET  and thought he was an alien to. But in reality he was not an alien.He started saying stuff like Billy phone home home phone. So then he went and built the gps translator thing and called Et aliens. They took him and went until they found out he was not like them and Billy found out to.

They took Billy back to Earth. Benjamin wook up and laughed about his dream. He went to Madden's house told him about his dream. Benjamin and Madden were laughing about the dream. Benjamin’s mom told Benjamin to come back home. Benjamin came and told his mom what happened at his friend's house.

Benjamin house got robbed the next day and all was left were them. Everything was taken, even Billy. It was so sad. Madden, whose favorite game was clue, said they should look for clues and use the clues to get Billy and the stuff back. They went to the police department to tell what happened.

They said okay. They went and found clues like hair, footprints and smell. Smell just because they got a K9 dog. they found the thieves and told the police and they got their stuff back again.

It was such a good day the next day so they had a sleepover. It wasn’t a real sleep over because they were planning to play with Billy. They were saying stuff like do you remember me just to make sure they didn’t drain its power when it was robbed.

They were playing with Billy and there tablets until  Benjamin mom was sensed by Billy. They acted like they were sleeping. Billy on the other hand had to use his invisibility mode.
Benjamin’s mom almost found out about what they were doing. Benjamin said to Madden “Madden that was a real close call, I mean your mom went by us and she almost touched Billy when she walked to cheek if we were sleeping or not but I mean **Yawn** I am tired we should get some sleep for real now, we can tell Billy to stop hiding and tell him to sleep to.” So they slept.

Benjamin dreamed about going to Madden's house and finding Billy there now Madden's’ robot. Madden in his dream was not being nice to Billy. He was throwing Billy around everywhere because he was mad that Billy wasn’t cleaning house properly, and not doing the laundry properly.  

Benjamin was mad he went to Madden’s house in the morning to check. IT was good because the dream wasn’t real.He then was playing with Madden.   

Chapter 3

One day Benjamin was just upstairs in his room playing with Billy when his mom called him downstairs so she could tell him something. “Benjamin” she said “did you know that since I found out how good you are in machines and robotics, I was thinking that maybe you could go to a place I found were they teach kids robotics called Camp Invention.” Benjamin was surprised he tried not to tell  his mom about Billy.

       He just went to his room to tell Billy about this and told Billy that he could sneak in so that Billy can help him. He said “Billy you can sneak in my take apart bag. So Billy went into the take apart bag with the broken 3d printing machine.

      So they went to Camp Invention the next day but it was a mistake to keep Billy in the take apart bag because they take it to the room when you go in. He was to expect Billy when they go to take apart but they break your stuff for you. He didn’t know that so he was waiting till the end of the day to see Bill.

But when he went into the take take-apart, they hadn't went to Benjamin’s stuff yet? He went in and they teacher asked for his bag so she can break it for him. He quietly told Billy to go into invisibility form?

Billy did what Benjamin told him to do. The teacher didn’t see Billy. She almost hit Billy when she broke the 3d printing machine.
When they went home Billy didn’t want to come because of how scary it was to a robot. So Billy stayed the next day. Benjamin felt lonely the next day at camp.

So he went to take-apart and started breaking his thing. Like normal kids he was almost finished.When he came home he went to Madden’s house and told him all about.

“I mean Madden what can I do, cause I can't take Billy because he almost got smashed”. Well maybe you can tell th------. Madden was going to eat dinner which meant Benjamin had to leave.

----------------------------- To be Continued--------------------

Friday, July 1, 2016

Summer 2016 - I have questions - Do you have answers?

220 Questions

  1. Has it been found why the Sky is Blue?
  2. Are humans really from monkeys?
  3. Why are numbers/letters and language invented?
  4. How was electricity invented?
  5. How come humans invade the world-like how come almost everywhere humans have inhabited?
  6. Why is most of the world water?
  7. How did the dinosaurs die?
  8. Why were sports created?
  9. How did they make graphite from into led for writing?
  10. Why are robots coming now into the world?
  11. How is wifi there-like how come your phone can connect to wifi here  and battle in a game somebody in Australia?
  12. Has anybody ever seen an alien?
  13. Who killed John.F.Kennedy?
  14. What is in area 52?
  15. Why do we use base 60 and base 10?
  16. How do humans train animals to do stuff like for example tricks?
  17. Are there aliens?
  18. Does outerspace end?
  19. How did they invent time?
  20. Does numbers ever end?
  21. Is it true that there are more stars than earth’s sand?
  22. How did they invent the sensors like color touch ultrasonic and gyro sensor?
  23. Why did humans name the constantes their name?
  24. Did cavemen and dinosaurs live together?
  25. Will they figure out a way to travel time?
  26. Have they invented teleportation?
  27. Why do you get dizzy?
  28. What are in your eye.
  29. What helps your eye tell your brain what it saw?
  30. How do banks work?
  31. How do they make houses. It looks so hard because it is hollow.
  32. Is there invisible animals in your body?
  33. What is the oldest anyone’s ever lived?
  34. Are germs everywhere?
  35. How was age started?
  36. What is J.L.L?
  37. Who built the sphinx?
  38. How do people get their name?
  39. Why does everybody say the government has power over everything?
  40. Why do they have 3 different branches?
  41. Are there still dinosaurs?
  42. What animals lived with the dinosaurs?
  43. Are rhinos really from triceratops?
  44. What is the highest number of tabs possible for a computer like this?
  45. What is the number 1 company right now?  
  46. Why doesn’t it mean if you have a big brain it doesn’t  mean you are smart?
  47. How come they invented measurement?
  48. Who invented candy?
  49. Why Did the renaissance time happen?
  50. How so they capture snakes?
  51. Where do you hold the snakes to make sure they don’t bite you?
  52. Who is better Honest Abe or George Washington?
  53.  How they invent country, states, and continents names?
  54. Has anyone ever seen their own eye?
  55. How do people know how to build stuff and then put it on the instruction sheet?
  56. Why in google docs there are different format?
  57. What is google docs?
  58. Who invented the computer?
  59. Who invented lego mindstorms?
  60. Who invented legos?
  61. What was there before google docs?
  62. How many pieces of lego’s are in the world?
  63. Who invented names?
  64. What is the highest number?
  65. What is the lowest number?
  66. How come computers only have numbers 1-0?
  67. What do you wonder.
  68. What is the meaning of life.
  69. What do computers use as a language.
  70. What is the best question.
  71. Why did they invent phones and tablets.
  72. How come everything in the universe only made out of 118 elements?
  73. Are there more elements that have not been found yet?
  74. Is chess a sport, board game or a mind game.
  75. Was the year 0001 when the world was created?
  76. Why in time a day is 24 hours when base 10 is used for rest of number world?
  77. Why do we not fall down if earth is round?
  78. What is at the center of earth?
  79. How come there are 28, 29, 30or 31 days in a month?
  80. Why are there 7 days in a week?
  81. Why are there 12 months in a year?
  82. Why are there are 4 weeks in a month?
  83. Why is leap year every 4 years and not 8 or 3 or 10?
  84. How do people carve stuff?
  85. Why did they make knives?
  86. Why in numbers after every 3 places you have to put  a comma? Like 100,098,989 has to have a comma every 3 places.
  87. Why do they have names for animals?
  88. Why are there jellyfish?
  89. Why are there different types of ants?
  90. How is there small animals and then a different species is as big a human?
  91. Why do we have spaceships with astronauts that are going to Moon?
  92. Why do we sell stuff?
  93. Why do  they make rulers?
  94. How did they invent the ruler?
  95. Why does your body need water?
  96. Did chess come first or did checkers come first?
  97. How come you can buy with credit card, debit card, money, coins or cheeks?
  98. Why do they have different currency in countries?
  99. Why do we have different languages?
  100. Why do we have countries?
  101. What are inside of a golf ball?
  102. What are inside of a baseball?
  103. Are all living things have the same elements in them?
  104. Why are robotics using binary not real language?
  105. Does DNA and computers both use binary or numbers?
  106. Is there a real mountain in Earth that is bigger than Everest?
  107. What is random?
  108. What is the longest book?
  109. Is there a book with 1 word on every page?
  110. Why are there robots?
  111. Why in drums you have to hit with sticks and not your hand?
  112. What is parchment?
  113. Why do people still dip quills and write when they invented pencils?
  114. Why is there water in outer space?
  115. What is the sun mostly made out of?
  116. Who invented ink?
  117. Who came up with the idea of of dipping quills into ink?
  118. What is ink made out of?
  119. How do they make led?
  120. What does pen write with?
  121. How does a mouse sense the way you move it?
  122. What is the difference between morse code(tik ta) and binary(0 1)?
  123. Who invented braille?
  124. What is E=MC2 mean?
  125. Why are there 3 arrows in the recycle sign?
  126. Why are there questions?
  127. Why  are there answers?
  128. Why do babies cry?
  129. Why do we cry?
  130. Why do we shout?
  131. Why do we laugh?
  132. Why do babies laugh?
  133. How can you download stuff?
  134. Why did they invent binary?
  135. Why did they invent morse code?
  136. How did they make the movie strips?
  137. How do they make the cd,s?
  138. How do they make movies?
  139. Why did E.T. always say phone home?
  140. Why did they invent swim pants instead of using the normal pants?
  141. Who invented dum dums?
  142. Why do they call dum dums dum dums
  143. Why do they invent motherboards and not something else?
  144. How did they invent the telephone?
  145. Why do people like stories?
  146. Is there anybody smarter than Albert Einstein?
  147. Where was chess made?
  148. Who invented chess?
  149. Why in English there are 2 words with same spelling and same sound but they aren't the same meaning?
  150. Why do people like electronics?
  151. Why are there the staar after 3rd grade?
  152. Who invented the ziplock?
  153. Why in the ziplock you can't unlock it from the inside?
  154. Why are most thing with the ziplock like the ziplock bag?
  155. Why are there colors?
  156. Why do we have electronics?
  157. How does electricity work?
  158. Why is math useful everywhere?
  159. Why are 3 lego figures on Juno
  160. What is the myth about Juno being Jupiter's wife?
  161. Why aren't plants considered meat when they have a life?  
  162. Why do humans never eat humans but other animals sometimes eat each other?
  163. Why do humans eat other living things?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  164. Why can we only live on Earth not on another planet?
  165. Why do we like to play?
  166. Why do we think 100 is a big number?
  167. How do we inent sports?
  168. How do we invent stuff?
  169. How long does it take to make a book?
  170. Why do we have names and animal (except humans) don’t have names, unless we name them a name?
  171. Why are we considered animals?
  172. How do we make movies?
  173. How do we take animals to the zoo?
  174. What is the difference between Myth and Legend?
  175. Why do we have Summer?
  176. Why why do we have different religions?
  177. What do humans like the most?
  178. Why do we like music?
  179. Why do people wear glasses
  180. Why do kids like the best?
  181. Why are most sports balls spheres?
  182. Why do we have shapes?
  183. Why do we have the difference between 2D and 3D?
  184. Does led have a layer because if it has a layer then everything in the world, well almost everything, would be 3D?
  185. What is the difference between a geek and a nerd?
  186. How did we name countries?
  187. Why is Canada not part of USA?
  188. Which is bigger Canada+USA or Russia?
  189. Why do most people in the world live in China and India?
  190. Who is smarter Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton
  191. Which country has not been ruled?
  192. Why do most games have points?
  193. What did people use to go to the bathroom when there are no toilets?
  194. What is the most popular video game?
  195. What is the most popular song?
  196. How are planets created?
  197. What is faster speed of sound or speed of light?
  198. How are harbors made?
  199. Has there really only been 2016 years?
  200. What is the oldest animal; shark or dinosaur?
  201. Why to switch on a control you have to click  Ctrl Alt and Delete?
  202. How are planets made?
  203. Which sport is more popular Basketball, Football or Golf?
  204. What is a sport you can play when you are old?
  205. Which came first Words or Numbers?
  206. What is the difference between Bay and Harbor?
  207. How do you invent a sport?
  208. What does once in a lifetime mean?
  209. Who is the best football player?
  210. Who is the best basketball player?
  211. Who is the best golf player?
  212. Who is the best tennis player?
  213. Who is the best baseball player?
  214. Who is the best bowling player?
  215. Who is the best softball player?
  216. Who is the best volleyball player?
  217. Who is the best cricket player?
  218. Who is the best rugby player?
  219. Who is the best jousting player?
  220. What are some older sports?