Thursday, July 9, 2015

The 3 Pokemon Cards - Summer 2015 Story #7

The 3 Pokemon Cards

By: Arnav
Oh I guess Diego had a very interesting story so I guess if you did anything I told you to do then why not try listening again because he had a very interesting story, so I’m very sorry that I told you to do that. Okay got it, BYE

Once upon a time Cade needed 3 special Pokémon cards to get 30 diamonds. All the cards were very weak and he knew that his mom and dad wouldn’t let him get those cards because they are weak so he has so he had to hide them and then they wouldn’t know that he has them. All the cards were golden and he knew already what they are.

 And they were Magiccarp, Tynamo, and Joltik but he already had Magiccarp so all he needed was Tynamo and Joltik. So he asked his friends for them and 1st up was his best friend Diego and he said “give me Tynamo or Joltik for Groudon EX” And Diego said “sure I’ll give you Tynamo or Joltik for Groudon EX” and then he got out his cards and Cade saw his Tynamo and Joltik weren’t the right one so he said no. He asked 45 people for Groudon Ex for Tynamo or Joltik and none of them had the right one so he finally asked this kid the same thing and he said sure and Cade saw the right Joltik and traded for Joltik.

 So then he asked another guy for a Joltik for somebody different and they traded because it was the right one. Then all the cards started shining and then a secret set of stairs led to a door and after the door was the 30 diamonds. So then Cade went up the stairs and opened the door and past the door he saw a really BIG diamond with lots of little ones stuck onto it.

 He tried to get them but some invisible force was hitting his hand. And then a small robotic voice said.

 “You have to put the 3 Pokémon cards and then use the torch and burn it in the little box.” So Cade did what it asked. And then he could get the diamonds and then his Pokémon cards that he burn became 3 awesome cards named MCharizarEXX, and he got MBlastoiseEX and last but not least he got MVenasaurEX.

The End!
I hope you read more stories about Cade you search my name, Arnav SivaKumar.           
“Oh and I forgot that this is my last time I’ll be talking to you so I’ll say buy and maybe I’ll get a limited edition and a collector’s edition. Oh the Field Day Fund is the limited edition because that is the best on and that is all so buy. You will be having another series of another person but I’ll tell you all I know about the next one. It’s funny and hmm, that’s all I know about him and I hope you like him and I know remember his name. It’s R.P. which stands for Rodrick Paul. Okay so buy for real or until I make a collector’s edition I don’t see how we may meet again.”      


Friday, June 26, 2015

Attack Like Sherlock Homes - Summer 2015 Story #6

Attack Like Sherlock Homes
Hi I’m the Diego that Cade told you about and don’t tell Cade this but your about to hear the best adventure about spies and you’ve heard about the famous spy Sherlock Homes right>? Well great because this adventure will be just like him alright. So 1 more thig and we can start okay. So you heard the CLUE mystery by Cade, well because this one will be beater and now I’ll let you read the story.

One day my friends and I were playing spy game. (This story might be short because it’s just about the game)(My friends were Cade, Parker, and Joey also they all have nicknames and I’ll tell you them. Cade Supreme 900,000,000,000,000,000, Mr. Nobody, and New Kid of justice.) Cade and I were the spies wile Parker and Joey was the criminals. (There is a chart right under to tell you who they are.)

Diego=Sherlock Homes
Cade=Collen Mustered
Joey=Idi Amin

So they were playing spies of doom, and they villains hid very well, Dracula hid down under the coat closet while Idi Amin hid in Diego’s room and Cade and Diego had nurf guns as guns and Collen Mustered murdered down Idi Amin strait in the heart and Sherlock Homes murdered Dracula in the head so this time the spies won. (Look down and you will see the chart of wins.)


If the villains win this one they could tie the game but if they lost the heroes win. So the villains planed before the battled the last one and so did the heroes. 

The plan for the villains was to get their nurf gun and start by getting it ready and when the heroes get in the room then they would out of no were shoot their gun and kill the heroes and tie the game up and then on the tie breaker do the same thing and win. 

And the heroes plan was to both guard the room of both the villains so that they couldn’t save their friend but they had to do it carefully, and when they enter the room and kill them right away. 

So they did it and the heroes won so then they pretended to take the villains to jail and kill them there.
The End

I hope you read more stories about Cade you search my name, Arnav SivaKumar.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Field Day Fund - Summer 2015 Story #5

Field Day Fund

By: Arnav Sivakumar

Once upon a time Cade had opened his new board game called “CLUE Classic Edition”. He read the instructions and played the game with his Mom, Dad, Grampa, Grandma, Sis, and his cousin Vexter. He liked so much that he told his teacher (Mrs. Donican) how much he loves it and how smart he is in that game. 

On the day before Field day which was on Monday Cade’s family got a call from the principal while they were playing CLUE. “I hope it’s a compliment from your principal and not a bad note.” Dad said. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was ringing for a time so dad picked it up. When dad put the phone down he said “Time to go to school because you’re principal said that the Field day fund is missing and you told your teacher how smart you are in mysteries so she thinks that Cade can help so we must go as fast as possible so come on Cade lets go.” 

Cade went to school and found clues like money spilled and pieces of wood so they now need to know where it happened but they still need to know who did it and were they hide it. 

So they followed them upstairs and the principal told them that the vice principal did it because of how big her feet are and all the lost white hair on the ground so all they needed to know was where she hided it. 

They found it in the computer room up on a high shelf and the found rope, so they threw the rope and pulled the box down.
Before they pulled it the down they pulled the box down, they found money spilled on the floor and, then when they got it down when out of no were Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The box opened and out popped the vice principal, She said “I took the box without you knowing and I knew how smart Cade was so I wanted you and him to find me and pull the box down and I would scare you so I got to say you should have looked at your face when I said boo. 

Your face was like all freaked out and that was so funny. I am so happy that you guys found me because I just wanted to see if Mrs. Donican was right about Cade so I guess she is correct. “So I guess we can go home.” Dad said, all tired and refiled. 

So dad, principal, vice principal, and Cade went back home, and on the day of field day all the kids heard about Cade saving field day so the congratulated him and started calling him Cade Supreme 900,000,000,000,000,000 and then Cade wants to tell you something now I’m going to let him tell you what he wants to tell you so buy from me but hi from him.

Hi I’m Cade and this was my story about the epic field day and I think you heard this awesome adventure of me and now my series will take a break and let my best friend Diego tell you his side next and I’ll tell you that he doesn’t do very much so just don’t read his book if your reading and if your listening on an audio tape then if you can skip the book but if you are watching a movie then you can close your ear and fake go to the restroom because he is boring and also trouble, OKAY! 


Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Soccer Game - Summer 2015 Story #4

The Soccer Game

By: Arnav Sivakumar

Once upon a time Cade and his soccer team were practicing soccer for a soccer game. It was a Tuesday and their game was on a Friday.  Their team was called The Mashers and they were playing The Smashers.

 The smashers won last season and they could win this season to if they beat the Mashers. The Smashers had never won before so they hope they win this year. They were practicing very hard and finally Friday came.

 They were ready to play so they played the game. They were playing for like ever. They were winning 9-7 and then they were losing 10-12 and then at the end they won 14-13 and won the season and a trophy.

 They had a party and they had a song called top 5 Minecraft. They also went to the London Eye. Cade said that was awesome that he could see all of London from that huge ferries wheel.

 He had to play another game because the next season started and now they were playing the monsters who the vs. before the vs. the Smashers. They also won the season before the Smashers season. They knew that they had a tuff opponent (Well not as tuff as the Crushers) that they were facing.

 They had to play in 5.5 days, so they practiced the hardest they ever practiced because they won last season and they knew were going to do their best and if they lost they were not going to be able to win this season to. They did their best and I’m not going to tell you who won. Okay fine I’ll tell you. They won Cade’s team won 9-0. I know but it’s time to say……………

The End
I hope you read more stories about Cade you search my name, Arnav SivaKumar.

Friday, June 19, 2015

The football game - Summer 2015 Story #3

The football game
By: Arnav Sivakumar

Once upon a time Cade was practicing with his football team The Deadly Snakes, and he was the wide receiver and a normal player (which are his favorite) because his dad was the coach of the team. It was a normal Thursday till while they practicing Cade’s dad told them to huddle up. So they huddled up and Cade’s dad told them in 2 more days they were having a game against the Knuckleheads how won last season so they knew that they had a hard challenge.

 They practiced very hard. Finally it was time for the game and they were very scared that they were going to lose. It was they last battle for this season. If they won they get a trophy, but if they lost they get nothing.

 The Knuckleheads won the toss and decided to receive the ball. Alexzander (the team kicker) punted it far and hard. Even before they could even catch the ball the Deadly Snakes came at full speed with Cade in the middle. The front people got pushed out and blocked the Knuckleheads from getting to Cade and Cade got hold of the runner 1st.

 Then the rest of the team got hold of the runner and pushed him to the 17 yard line. Then the rest of the game happened and there was a good part and a bad part which I am not going to tell you about. Okay fine I will tell 1st the bad part then the good part.

 The bad part it that Cade got badly injured. I know it is sad but maybe the good part will cheer you up. The good part is that his team won 28-24. I know they won a trophy.

 It was so good that they won a trophy that they had a party. Not a normal one. Not a normal celebration one. Not a normal surprise one. But they had a A-W-E-S-O-M-E   F-U-N   T-R-E-M-E-N-D-O-U-S   C-O-O-L   surprise celebration party.

 The best one you could have thought of. The had a week party and here is what they did on the party week. (It’s right under)
 Sun- Chuckie cheese.
Mon- Main events
Tue- Mt playmore
Wed- Seaworld  
Thurs- Disneyland
Fri- Disneyworld
Sat- Kiddieacres

They had a blast on party week.

 After that they were back to normal. Normal meant like practice games season. They were practicing football for another game on Thursday.

 It was finally Thursday, game day. They were ready to play. This time their opponent was the Crushers a very strong team.

 Won the battle in AFC and played against us. They won for North and West and we won South and East and we beat them of course. We were doing the coin toss and we won so we picked to receive the ball from the opponent team.

 John Marcos (their kicker) punted the ball and Cade caught it from the 50 yard line and Hose mashed Cade to the ground. He was injured badly. But he recovered and they won 23- 21        

The End
I hope you read more stories about Cade you search my name, Arnav SivaKumar.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer camp adventure - Summer 2015 Story #2

 Summer camp adventure.

By: Arnav Sivakumar

 Once upon a time Cade was at camp invention and didn’t feel good that he was going to make any friends. So when his dad took him inside he kept holding his hand and didn’t let go and told his dad that he was scared. Then out of nowhere he saw his best ultimate friend Parker!

 They were chitchatting till their 1st station build mild. They had a blast together and then went back to base camp to eat snack. Then they went to their 2nd station take apart and they had a blast and then again they went to base camp to eat lunch.

 They were eating lunch till all off a sudden instead off eating lunch Cade was sword fighting Parker. They were fighting till all of a sudden their army was with them fighting. Cade’s army was crushing Parker’s army by slicing, kicking, punching, and shooting them and Parker did not like, not one bit did he like his army dying because he was now the only one left.

 The Cade came running up with full speed going to kill him with a sword…. “WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Parker shouted. “Hu?” Cade said all questioned. Cade was sleeping for 20 whole minutes. Then umm that is I remember, then off course the rest of the day was good. What I mean is that he had the rest of his classes.

The End

The Chess Tournament – Summer 2015 Story #1

The Chess Tournament 

Once upon a time there was a boy named Cade. He was a chess player so everybody thought he went to a tournament. But the truth was that he never went to a chess tournament. So his dad singed him up for a tournament on Sat. at Dallas for the state finals.
When he went he had to play 5 games. His score was 5/5 which meant he got the best score and won the 1st place trophy in K-3 unrated. (You can think about it like points) His dad was very proud of him he signed him for the national.
When they went to the nationals he wasn’t unrated he had a lot of rating points. He had 378 rating points. He first played a 97 and won. Then he played a 1,364 and lost. Right after he lost his dad shouted and yelled at him just because he lost. Since his dad wasn’t playing the game he never knew how hard that his opponent was.
He said if he lost the next game they were leaving back home. The next game he played a 245 and drew him. His dad was okay because at least he got some rating points. The next game he played a 101 and won.
Then they last game he played a 531 and drew. He changed into better clothes. Then was the award ceremony which was the best part.
He ended up with 3/5 points so he came home with a medal which was okay because he now has 578 which is great. Cade told his dad all about the 1,364 guy and his dad said sorry. Then they went to sleep. Then his dad signed him up for another tournament on April 12 Sunday and he won 9th place in open section because he got 4/5 and lots of other people won 4/5 and won higher opponents.
And the one who won him got 5th and his name was Watson but people call him Winsonminston-jounior because there was this other player named Winstonminston-siniour and he was a world champion in 1789. And that is why people call Winston Winsonminston-jounior and Cade hated him because he was the one who beat him at the nationals and got his rating to 1498. And Cade’s new rating was after a few more tournaments was 1029.
He now also has a 1st, 3rd, 5th, and a 9th place trophy oh and how could I forget his medal.
The End