Thursday, July 9, 2015

The 3 Pokemon Cards - Summer 2015 Story #7

The 3 Pokemon Cards

By: Arnav
Oh I guess Diego had a very interesting story so I guess if you did anything I told you to do then why not try listening again because he had a very interesting story, so I’m very sorry that I told you to do that. Okay got it, BYE

Once upon a time Cade needed 3 special Pokémon cards to get 30 diamonds. All the cards were very weak and he knew that his mom and dad wouldn’t let him get those cards because they are weak so he has so he had to hide them and then they wouldn’t know that he has them. All the cards were golden and he knew already what they are.

 And they were Magiccarp, Tynamo, and Joltik but he already had Magiccarp so all he needed was Tynamo and Joltik. So he asked his friends for them and 1st up was his best friend Diego and he said “give me Tynamo or Joltik for Groudon EX” And Diego said “sure I’ll give you Tynamo or Joltik for Groudon EX” and then he got out his cards and Cade saw his Tynamo and Joltik weren’t the right one so he said no. He asked 45 people for Groudon Ex for Tynamo or Joltik and none of them had the right one so he finally asked this kid the same thing and he said sure and Cade saw the right Joltik and traded for Joltik.

 So then he asked another guy for a Joltik for somebody different and they traded because it was the right one. Then all the cards started shining and then a secret set of stairs led to a door and after the door was the 30 diamonds. So then Cade went up the stairs and opened the door and past the door he saw a really BIG diamond with lots of little ones stuck onto it.

 He tried to get them but some invisible force was hitting his hand. And then a small robotic voice said.

 “You have to put the 3 Pokémon cards and then use the torch and burn it in the little box.” So Cade did what it asked. And then he could get the diamonds and then his Pokémon cards that he burn became 3 awesome cards named MCharizarEXX, and he got MBlastoiseEX and last but not least he got MVenasaurEX.

The End!
I hope you read more stories about Cade you search my name, Arnav SivaKumar.           
“Oh and I forgot that this is my last time I’ll be talking to you so I’ll say buy and maybe I’ll get a limited edition and a collector’s edition. Oh the Field Day Fund is the limited edition because that is the best on and that is all so buy. You will be having another series of another person but I’ll tell you all I know about the next one. It’s funny and hmm, that’s all I know about him and I hope you like him and I know remember his name. It’s R.P. which stands for Rodrick Paul. Okay so buy for real or until I make a collector’s edition I don’t see how we may meet again.”      


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